A freak electrical storm on the night of November 11th left all sleeping within the confines of 9 Ashton Place with metaphysical abilities:

Chris: Supergrace and Superpoise
Dougal: Supertelekenesis and SuperVoices-in-head
Mol: Superstrength
Eli: Superfabbing-things-from-thin-air
Anders: Superpersuasiveness and Superpsychic-powers
Miri: Supermusical-powers and Superventrilloquism
Mel: Superalcohol-tolerance and Superempathy
Josh: Supercarpentry and Superseafaring

Strangely, on that same fateful night, the electrical storm had imbued four of their closest friends with equally awesome powers AND PURE EVIL. The occupants of the Fourhouse, now known as the Fourtress of Iniquity and Bad Decision-Making, quietly schemed to disrupt the innocent and naive Nashtonites' plans.

J9, the evil mastermind, was gifted with Superpyrokinesis and Supercontrol-of-rodents,
Bemily, Supersmell and Supermemory-wiping,
Her twin in evil, Remily, Superspeed and Superweather-control,
and Evilcauel, Superprecognition and Superregeneration.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

chris and eli: a first-person perspective


It was the greatest bar. Yes, it was actually called "The Greatest Bar".

"An apt name for the greatest bar", I mused.

Stuck on the third floor, I realized that the bathroom line might take a while to cycle through, but I can wait patiently. The line itself wasn't that long, but ahead of me were several Canadians, and everyone knows that Canadians usually take twice as long as normal people in the bathroom.

I don't mind standing in line, after all, my quads and glutes are a bit sore from the six-hundred pound squats I did earlier today. It was honestly a good day at the gym. I'm almost at my goal of three-hundred and seventy pounds of pure muscle.

Unfamiliar footsteps rang out all around, causing me cognitive dissonance; however, one set sounded extraordinarily familiar. A set rarely heard climbing the stairs. A set.. I couldn't quite place the face to the shoes. I turned around.


A large hulking man pirouetted on toe beautifully to face me.

"SCHMEAGLE!", He boomed. "What are you doing at ze Greatest Bar?"

I shrugged.

"Chris, I was sent here by the rest of the house. We need to assemble. Cambridge needs us."

He briséd with surprise, landing in a couru. I could see from his furrowed brows that this was quite unexpected.

The bathroom line edged forward, Chris with it.

"Chris, we have to go now.. like right now."

"But I have to go now too, if you get my drift."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward the stairs. He executed a series of perfect chainé deboulés as we left the building.

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