A freak electrical storm on the night of November 11th left all sleeping within the confines of 9 Ashton Place with metaphysical abilities:

Chris: Supergrace and Superpoise
Dougal: Supertelekenesis and SuperVoices-in-head
Mol: Superstrength
Eli: Superfabbing-things-from-thin-air
Anders: Superpersuasiveness and Superpsychic-powers
Miri: Supermusical-powers and Superventrilloquism
Mel: Superalcohol-tolerance and Superempathy
Josh: Supercarpentry and Superseafaring

Strangely, on that same fateful night, the electrical storm had imbued four of their closest friends with equally awesome powers AND PURE EVIL. The occupants of the Fourhouse, now known as the Fourtress of Iniquity and Bad Decision-Making, quietly schemed to disrupt the innocent and naive Nashtonites' plans.

J9, the evil mastermind, was gifted with Superpyrokinesis and Supercontrol-of-rodents,
Bemily, Supersmell and Supermemory-wiping,
Her twin in evil, Remily, Superspeed and Superweather-control,
and Evilcauel, Superprecognition and Superregeneration.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

molly: open sesame

She woke up on November 12th feeling quite awake. Her heat pounded, pounded, it almost seemed as if the windows were vibrating in sync with her heart beats. She reached out her hand to feel the panes. They were vibrating!

This knowledge of course only intensified her moment of what the fuck. Her heart rate likewise increased and the windows began to rattle the sill itself.

“What’s going on?” She raised her hand to draw her curtains to block the sun and think in the darkness, as she was wont to do. The mounts fell out of the drywall as soon as she exerted the slightest force to the curtain’s normal.

“Great, now I’ve fucked up yet another part of my wall.” She gazed around at the gaping holes behind her other curtains. Apparently one cannot hang weight supporting curtain mounts in rotting drywall. Lesson-learned.

Molly gathered her gear to take a shower. She walked toward her door and reached for the doorknob and..

Splinters everywhere. The door itself seemed to have launched itself across the hallway and into Miri’s room. The doorframe appeared to have been bent by some strange force.

The fuck?

Thinking she was still drunk from the night prior, she walked back to bed to sleep it off.

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